Stay Acne Free Following These Easy Tips
While acne is a terribly common problem, it is not an unavoidable one. Even though there are many causes and contributing factors that can aggravate an acne infection, there are also many simple treatments and techniques that can help fight, or even eliminate, acne outbreaks. Keep reading for some tips on managing and treating acne.
Consume fewer meat and dairy products in order to control your acne. These foods have hormones in them that can damage the skin, so reducing the amount you consume will support your acne treatment regimen.
Although it is tempting to squeeze a zit, for health reasons, it is best not to. Use a cream treatment instead. Picking at acne causes scarring and infections. You can scar your face for years if you pick at your pimples.
Never pop a zit. Scratching or breaking open a pimple can cause it to become infected, creating more breakouts. Picking at the same acne blemish can cause scarring, which will remain long after the acne clears.
Eat less dairy and meat products to reduce acne. Many people feel that hormones in meat and milk can adversely affect acne; therefore, reducing your consumption of them will probably help your acne.
Caffeine in tea, soda and coffee can irritate your skin and cause acne. So, cutting down the caffeine in your diet will lead to fewer acne flare-ups.
It sounds crazy, but do you believe that using a cellphone can cause acne breakouts? Cell phones or anything that you press to your face will transfer outside oils onto your face. Clean your phone often to keep it from clogging your pores. Also, hold the phone slightly away from your face when you talk.
Avoid mixing different acne medications. People often want to get rid of acne as soon as they can, so they mix together a lot of different lotions and creams and think that they will work better as a unit. Using more than one acne cream at the same time can end up irritating your skin and making your acne worse.
Acne affects the majority of people but that does not mean you cannot avoid it. The information that has been written about in detail above can help any person suffering from acne clear their skin. Taking good care of your skin will help you prevent acne before it happens.