Pointers To Help You Sleep With Sleep Apnea
Sleep apnea is an important thing to know about, so inform as many people about it as possible. Sleep apnea is a dangerous condition, one that you and your loved ones should not ignore. Make it a habit to learn all the latest information about sleep apnea.
Stopping bad habits may help with your sleep apnea. If you smoke and drink, you are almost sure to suffer from sleep disturbances. Drinking depresses the respiratory system and can cause severe breathing issues. Cigarettes can hurt your lungs, possibly even causing lung cancer. These are both habits which can make sleep apnea worse.
You should know that aside from helping you to lose weight, healthy food can also help to lessen sleep apnea symptoms, too. A lot of people are surprised that a bad diet can affect sleep apnea. There is scientific data that suggests that eating a poor diet can worsen sleep apnea, independent of a person’s weight.
Eating well can help you become thinner, which can often reduce sleep apnea symptoms. Changing from a poor diet to a healthy one can transform your sleep apnea symptoms. People that eat unhealthy are more likely to have worse sleep apnea.
Go to the doctor to get a mouth guard that is custom made. They make these mouth guards specifically for people that suffer from sleep apnea. Many people find they can adjust to wearing a mouth guard every night while they sleep much more easily than they can get used to wearing a CPAP mask. The mouth guard helps by keeping the airway open and providing stability for the soft tissues.
Children are susceptible to sleep apnea. Signs of sleep apnea in kids includes hyperactivity, hostility and breathing through their mouth. The symptoms can be confused with those of ADHD, so it is important to speak with your doctor to see if sleep apnea is a possibility.
Life is full of enough difficulties; sleeplessness does not have to be one of them. Apply what you’ve just learned, and soon you’ll be enjoying a perfect night’s sleep.